
Yesterday I added the final entry to the blog about 25 years of Kapotte Muziek. From now on no more history, just what ever comes around in the future. Greg, a devoted follower of this blog, send me an e-mail this morning that in Itunes the music sums up to 460 items, 3.6 days/3:16:22:59 total time, 12.03 GB. That is quite impressive, if I may say so, and then lots of it wasn’t even available as a download. Oh well.
Wouter Jaspers is coming over from tomorrow till friday and we’ll be recording an Ezdanitoff CD, or hell: maybe 2!

Last weekend

The travel to Slovenia was not without problems. Easy ones, like missing flights on the way there and delays going back, heavy rainfall in Slovenia for the entire time, but the concert went pretty well. It will be edited a bit and get fresh songs for a b-side and then its going to be released on Limbabwe. Upon return I went straight into a car to Duisburg to play an afternoon concert. Danielle Lemaire drove me and shot this video, which I present unedited. Its a really low quality looking here on Vimeo, so I must see about redoing it, or perhaps even edit it. But the surroundings of this open air thing were nice, as can be seen…

New Releases & Concerts

Right now I’m preparing to leave for tomorrow’s flight to Slovenia to play at the Shina festival with Roel. We will play our Martin Hannett thingy and add a little surprise – we hope – for the organiser, being Mat. He used to live in Venlo, just as Roel did in the same time, and he was running the excellent Limbabwe label. So you can figure out what the surprise will be.
Right after I get back – no rest for the slaves – I will be going to Duisburg on Sunday to play a small concert as part of the Brachen Siedlung – an exchange between Arnhem, Nijmegen, Essen & Duisburg. Things will start at 14:00 – my cue point. It will be short. I’ll be taking my latest purchase:
Also two new CDs have been released on Korm Plastics, Flim’s brilliant ‘Orange’ CDEP and ’25 Years Of Kapotte Muziek’, a compilation from the small festival earlier this year. Order both and get a small discount.

A Fine Day

Today the weather  is really lovely – really my kind of weather. About twenty degrees, very sunny, some clouds, hardly any wind, so I went out on my battered old bike, going outside into the woods around Nijmegen and did a long ride. A lovely ride indeed. I left the house uploading the video from yesterday and now’s it ready. So anyone who missed that can watch it now on Vimeo. Not the greatest quality, but there you go. And no there is no translation or subtitles available:


follow this link and until tonight you can watch the show, albeit the whole hour thing. the interview with starts around minute 27 and lasts 26 minutes. when its proper online I’ll post another link